EDITORIAL: Berenice Ammann’s experimental hair approach inspires the whole team to find new ways of incorporating hair into this visualisation of Edmund Spenser’s 1591 poem Muiopotmos or The Fate Of The Butterflie
Phase II
The Root whereof and tragical Effect,
Vouchsafe, O thou the mournful’st Muse of Nine,
That wont’st the tragick Stage for to direct,
In funeral Complaints and wailful Tine,
Reveal to me, and all the Means detect
Of all the Race of silver-winged Flies
Which do possess the Empire of the Air,
Betwixt the centred Earth, and azure Skies,
Was none more favorable, nor more fair,
Whilst Heaven did favour his Felicities,
Than Clarion, the eldest Son and Heir
Of Muscarol, and in his Father’s sight
Of all alive did seem the fairest Wight
Phase III
With fruitful Hope his aged Breast he fed
Of future Good, which his young toward Years
Phase IV
The fresh young Fly, in whom the kindly Fire
Of lustful Youth began to kindle fast,
Did much disdain to subject his Desire
To loathsom Sloth, or Hours in ease to waste;
But joy’d to range abroad in fresh Attire,
Through the wide Compass of the airy Coast,
And with unwearied Wings each part t’ inquire
Of the wide Rule of his renowned Sire
Phase VI
Therein two deadly Weapons fixt he bore,
Strongly outlaunced towards either side,
Like two sharp Spears, his Enemies to gore.
Like as a warlike Brigandine applide
To fight, lays forth her threatful Pikes afore
Not any Damsel, which her vaunteth most
In skilful knitting of soft silken Twine;
Nor any Weaver, which his Work doth boast,
In Diaper, in Damask, or in Lyne;
Nor any skill’d in Workmanship emboss’d;
Nor any skill’d in Loups of Fingring fine;
Might in their diverse Cunning ever dare
With this so curious Net-work to compare.
Digital + Analogue Photography: Tomás Eyzaguirre
Hair + Makeup: Berenice Ammann
Hair + Makeup Assistant: Diego Fraile
Styling: Raki Fernandez
Film: Agustin Farias
Set Design: Miren Oller
Set Assistant: Lea Rollo
Sound Design: Mosche
Models: Ann at A Management, Lev
Poem: Edmund Spenser Muiopotmos, or the Fate of the Butterflie