CULT HAIR: Capturing London’s unique and diverse hairstyles
Name: Jack Oliver Age: 27 Occupation: Makeup artist A description of my current hairstyle is: PUNK! A freestyle of my own expression. Vintage punk–that I get from my mother My current hairstyle was inspired by: Personal expression, showing my emotions and self-style through colour and style My hair is a way for me to: Show self-expression and stand out from the crowd. Who wants to fit in? The style I’ve always wanted but never had: Shaved head. I once did Keith Flint and loved it but came back to my roots In the past, my hair has been: All colours of the rainbow. Pink/blue/yellow, but green for 8 years now I get my hair done at: Home. Myself and my partner do it My hair icon is: Keith Flint
Photography: Panos Damaskinidis